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Awkward Family Photos: Greatest Hits

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116.00 AED

Player Count : 4 to 8Players

Playtime : 30 to 60 Mins

Age : 13+

We all have them…awkward family photos. They make us cringe and laugh and wonder, "What were we thinking?" Well, inside this box are 100 of the most hilarious, classic and cringeworthy photos carefully curated from the archives of AwkwardFamilyPhotos website. And you'll get to choose from 330 of the most memorable movie lines ever uttered on the big screen to caption these unforgettable images. With simple gameplay and no movie knowledge required, get ready for an award-winning game night. Behold Awkward Family Photos Greatest Hits! Box Contents: 100 Awkward Family Photos, Card Box and 330 Movie Line Cards.

Every player is dealt eight cards featuring a movie line from one of hundreds of popular movies. One player, ‘The Critic’, picks the next Awkward Family Photos card and places the card on the table for everyone to see. All other players decide which one of their eight movie lines best captions the photo, by placing their selection facedown in the play area. ‘The Critic’ reads each card aloud and picks the movie line that he/she thinks best captions the photo in play. The player with the winning card wins the round! First player to get 10 cards win.