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159.00 AED

Minimum Players: 2

Maximum Players: 4

Minimum Playtime: 20 mins

Maximum Playtime: 30 mins

Age: 6+

Coconuts is a dexterity game based on the "Monkey King" character from Chinese mythology.

In the game, players launch coconuts toward a field of cups in the middle of the playing area. Land in a cup, and you get to stack it on your player board; land in a cup on someone else's board, and you get to move it to yours. By playing special "Monkey King Magic" cards, you can force opponents to shoot blind, take long shots, or otherwise bollix their efforts to cup a coconut. Whoever first completes a pyramid of six cups on his player board wins!

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United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
I recommend this product
Best for family fun

We have so much fun playing this game. Lots of laughs and it is requested a lot by the kids. The adults have so much fun playing it too.