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Murder Mystery Party Case Files: Murder Noir

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149.00 AED

minimum players: 1

maximum players:99

miinimum playtime: 60 mins

maximum playtime : 120 mins

Director Sven Laragaard is famous for his detailed pranks and hi-jinks on set. During the filming of his latest project, entitled Murder Noir, Sven is found dead with a fake gunshot wound. Was his death a coincidence to his latest prank, or was he murdered? In this file is all the evidence in the case to help prove if someone committed a murder.

Players need to hunt through the evidence to find the killer and determine the motive, means and opportunity of each suspect. During a murder investigation, a detective must answer the following 3 questions: 1) Motive: Who had a reason to kill the victim? 2) Means: Who had access to the murder weapon and victim? 3) Opportunity: Who had a chance to kill the victim?

Is any particular person unaccounted for during the time the victim was killed?