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حيوان جماد

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157.00 AED

Minimum Players: 4

Maximum Players: 12

Minimum Playtime: 10 mins

Maximum Playtime: 30 mins

Age: 10+

It is an Arabic game which is similar to the English game Scattergories. It comes with four notebooks, 10 different lists and pens and a bar code which allows you to choose the letter and set a timer. The game is made for four players but it can be played in team mode to fit 8 players. 

The players start by each taking a notepad, a pen and a group of the lists provided. All players agree on one list, for example list 3. They scan the barcode which takes them to a website where they can set the timer to the difficulty of their choosing from 1 to 3 minutes. the website picks a letter for you, and then you start.
All players must find an answer to the categories on the list which start with the chosen letter. Each list has 10 different categories. For example, name a restaurant or an actor or singer( for example for the letter S-- Switch, Scarlet Johanssen and Sam Smith). Each player gets one point for a correct answer, and if two players or more have the same answer the answer doesn't count.