Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer
minimum player:4
Maximum Player:10
Minimum playtime: 15mins
Maximum playtime: 20 mins
Age: 10+
Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer, In Hawkins, Indiana, the Mind Flayer has created an army of possessed people to invade Earth. Some of you are already under its control...each player takes a character tile representing someone from the Stranger Things Netflix series.
As a Possessed character, you try to convert all Sane characters to Possessed or knock them out before the end of the game. On your turn, draw a card and give it to another player to help them, remove them, or make them change teams. At the end of the game, if at least one Sane character is still in play, all Sane characters win the game. Otherwise, the Possessed characters win!