Chicken vs Hotdog
Original price
160.00 AED
Original price
160.00 AED
Original price
160.00 AED
160.00 AED
160.00 AED
Current price
160.00 AED
Minimum Players : 2
Maximum Players : 10
Time : 15 - 60 minutes
Age : 10 +
It’s time to settle this once and for all – who is top dog (or chicken)? Get ready to find out. Split into teams, or go one-on-one, then grab your Sling them and get ready to bid and flip your way to sweet-tasting victory. Turn over a Challenge Card, then secretly bid high if you think you can nail it or bid low to avoid it. If both bids match, then it’s Flipp-eram time! Every time you complete a challenge, you’ll get to turn over one of your Character Cards. The first player to turn over all six wins!